"Our Only Mission – Earth"

In a world where the planet is rapidly deteriorating and space travel seems like the new escape, we are forgetting our only mission: to preserve Earth. There is no plan B.

With innovative technology, we can create a world where people and the planet can coexist. Join us on a journey towards a more welcoming, promising and cleaner future.

single-use packaging waste

When you buy your favorite products, such as cold brew coffee, wine, spirits, kombucha, household essentials, or skincare products, you are also purchasing the bottles or jars that are used only once. But only 9% of them are actually recycled when they are put in the recycling bin.

Reusing is the most effective way to reduce packaging waste. By reusing, we can completely eliminate additional waste streams and conserve scarce natural resources that would be used to produce new packaging. The time to make the transition to reusables is now. The transition to reusables is not a question of "if," but "when."

Reuse vs. single-use

loWER carbon footprint
loWER water use

Source: University of Utrecht Report for Reloop; Case Reopened: ReassessingRefillable Bottle, David Saphire

Creating a new reuse economy

To prepare for this inevitable future, we created the OOM Reuse Platform-As-A-Service to offer the easiest and scalable way for brands and consumers to adopt reusable packaging. Our platform is specifically designed to incentivize all stakeholders to reuse.

Brands and Retailers benefit from increased customer engagement and a higher bottom line value
Consumers earn direct rewards for their participation
We all benefit from a cleaner and more livable planet by participating in a reuse economy

Learn more about the OOM reuse platform